30-12 (14:17) Pass by Reference vs Pass by Value in PHP: What's the REAL Difference?
26-12 (14:17) Create a domain using Spatie event sourcing
24-12 (15:00) Command Line Interface Guidelines
23-12 (15:31) Don't hardcode admin domains for auth
23-12 (14:46) Laravel's parallel testing on multiple DB connections
20-12 (14:17) Complete Guide to Laravel and Livewire PHP Attributes (23 Attributes)
20-12 (10:46) Exploring the browser rendering process
13-12 (14:17) Why Your Laravel Relationship Returns an Integer (and How to Fix It)
09-12 (14:46) Access Route Model-Bound Models in Laravel Form Requests with "#[RouteParameter]"
06-12 (17:17) Mixing up our styling recipe for Ray v3
03-12 (14:17) The polyglot stack — PHP & GoLang
02-12 (14:17) What I Wish Someone Told Me About Postgres
29-11 (14:17) Dynamically build Mail, DB, and Cache configurations in Laravel
28-11 (14:17) Laravel Custom Query Builders Over Scopes
27-11 (14:17) Importing a frontend Javascript library without a build system
25-11 (14:00) What's new in PHP 8.4
22-11 (14:46) 5 Ways to Extract Value from Overmocked Tests
21-11 (14:46) Playtime with PHP Attributes
20-11 (15:00) Building Maintainable PHP Applications: Data Transfer Objects
19-11 (14:46) IPC in Electron
18-11 (14:46) Accessing Databases in PhpStorm
07-11 (14:46) Using Ray with your Pest tests
06-11 (14:17) The magic behind Laravel's new defer() helper
05-11 (14:17) Embedding Blade inside of Markdown content
04-11 (14:17) Australia/Lord_Howe is the weirdest timezone
16-10 (15:00) A Case For Custom Collections
15-10 (22:00) Property Hooks Are Coming To PHP 8.4
14-10 (14:17) Fake it till you make it: testing transactional emails with Mailcoach in Laravel
11-10 (14:31) Forge deploy scripts in version control
10-10 (14:17) Store Code Discussions in Git using Git Notes
09-10 (14:17) To double quote or not, that's the question!
08-10 (15:00) Using 1password for Laravel environment variables
04-10 (14:17) CPX - Composer Package Executor
01-10 (14:31) A Guide to Laravel Pipelines
30-09 (14:46) Optimizing Eloquent: Accessor Caching and Value Objects in Laravel
24-09 (14:31) Adding real-time chat in 14 lines of code with Laravel Reverb and Livewire
23-09 (14:17) Reasons you don't need a modal
20-09 (14:17) Deferring tasks with Laravel's defer() helper
16-09 (14:17) Container attributes in Laravel
12-09 (14:46) Top 10 PHP Features You Can Use in 2024
11-09 (14:31) Ray's architecture: how we structure an Electron app
10-09 (15:00) Handling large JSON payloads and extending the Request class
09-09 (15:00) Vue 3.5 Released: New features and improvements
02-09 (15:17) This was Laracon US 2024
30-08 (14:31) Laracon US 2024: Laravel 11 Minor Features That Enhance Performance
29-08 (15:00) An argument for logging off
28-08 (14:31) Downsampling time series data
27-08 (15:00) When everything fails, you can always trust the Laravel rescue helper
26-08 (15:00) Using Ray inside your Blade views
22-08 (14:46) Benefits of writing clean, maintainable code.
22-08 (14:17) State of Generics and Collections
21-08 (14:17) PHP 8.4 Property Hooks
20-08 (11:31) New Array Functions in PHP 8.4
09-08 (14:17) From MySQL to Typesense: Blazing-Fast Full-Text Search in Laravel
08-08 (14:46) A case for Mastodon
07-08 (14:46) Build and Cache Frontend Assets once using GitHub Actions
06-08 (14:46) Plain Vanilla Websites
26-07 (14:31) Geography in Laravel: retrieving geographical data
25-07 (14:17) Data Fetching Patterns in Single-Page Applications
25-07 (11:17) Participate in the State Of Laravel Survey
22-07 (14:46) Testing Saloon API Integrations in Laravel
19-07 (10:31) ? How to test all routes in your Laravel app by writing just a single Pest test
16-07 (14:17) ? A package to use Filepond in your Livewire component
08-07 (20:00) Livewire Strict: Enforce additional security measures to Livewire
05-07 (15:00) Sending transactional emails using Mailcoach API in an Express.js application
04-07 (14:31) Using whereAny() for cleaner queries in Eloquent
03-07 (15:31) ? A package to display solutions on the Laravel error page
03-07 (14:17) A Guide to PHP Attributes
02-07 (14:46) Jujutsu: a next generation replacement for Git
28-06 (20:17) Use HTMX to Create Laravel Single-Page Apps Without Writing JavaScript
27-06 (14:46) WeakMaps, a hidden gem in PHP
26-06 (10:00) Building Laravel Error Share
26-06 (09:46) Mastering Programming
25-06 (14:31) Lessons from Open Source Software
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17-06 (14:17) Become a debugging wizard with RAY
14-06 (14:17) Tagged Singletons
13-06 (14:17) Leveraging the Power of Macros in Ray
12-06 (14:17) spatie/pdf-to-image v3.0
11-06 (15:00) Using Models as Flags
10-06 (14:46) Introducing Laravel Error Share
07-06 (14:17) Optimistic UI Tricks for Livewire and Alpine
06-06 (14:31) A Quickstart Tutorial on PHP Generators
05-06 (14:17) Creating issues is now easier than ever
04-06 (14:17) Laravel Advanced: Lesser-Known, Yet Useful Composer Commands
03-06 (14:31) Handling email testing in Laravel with Ray
31-05 (14:17) Fun with Blade directives
30-05 (14:46) Some cool SQLite things
29-05 (15:00) Assigning a user to an error
28-05 (14:46) Architecture Testing in Laravel with Pest
27-05 (14:17) I write my code in the controller
24-05 (15:00) Building Maintainable PHP Applications: Thinking Data vs Thinking Business Processes
23-05 (14:31) Laravel Under The Hood - The Strategy Pattern
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21-05 (14:31) Encrypting Queued Jobs, Notifications, Mail, and Listeners in Laravel
20-05 (14:17) Optimizing PHP for performance
17-05 (15:31) Form Validation with Type Inference Made Easy with Zod, the Best Sidekick for TypeScript
16-05 (15:31) Disabling Composer's default timeout inside of scripts
15-05 (15:31) vue-ray 2.0 is out - full Vue 3 composition api support
14-05 (15:31) Elevate Your Laravel Eloquent Queries with Tappable Scopes
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