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  PHP.Watch (us)          
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26-12 (21:25)  Install PHP on Windows: PHP now available on Winget
26-12 (21:25)  How to install PHP on Windows using Winget
24-12 (07:25)  `#[Deprecated]` attribute
25-11 (13:25)  PHP 8.4 Installation and Upgrade guide for Ubuntu and Debian
19-11 (05:25)  New `PHP_BUILD_DATE` constant
19-11 (05:25)  `SUNFUNCS_RET_*` constants deprecated
16-11 (14:25)  CSV: The `$escape` parameter must be provided
14-11 (17:56)  Curl: New `CURLOPT_TCP_KEEPCNT` option
14-11 (07:56)  Curl: New `CURLOPT_DEBUGFUNCTION` option
14-11 (06:25)  Curl: New `CURLOPT_PREREQFUNCTION` option
13-11 (20:56)  Curl: `curl_getinfo` - `CURLINFO_POSTTRANSFER_TIME_T` support
13-11 (19:25)  Curl: `CURLOPT_DNS_USE_GLOBAL_CACHE` no longer has any effect
10-11 (09:56)  `exit`/`die` changed from language constructs to functions
03-11 (07:56)  All `MHASH_*` constants deprecated
21-10 (23:11)  Curl: New `CURL_HTTP_VERSION_3` and `CURL_HTTP_VERSION_3ONLY` constants for HTTP/3 support
18-10 (00:11)  Intl: New `intltz_get_iana_id` function and `IntlTimeZone::getCanonicalID` method
16-10 (20:11)  Curl: New `curl_multi_get_handles` function
30-09 (08:11)  MBString: Unicode Character Database updated to version 16
28-09 (17:56)  PHP 8.4 Feature-freeze, first Release Candidate released
27-09 (18:42)  PHP Release Cycle Update
24-09 (16:42)  BCMath: New `bcdivmod` function
20-09 (21:42)  `E_STRICT` constant deprecated
06-06 (09:56)  Calling `session_set_save_handler()` with more than 2 arguments deprecated
02-06 (10:42)  New `grapheme_str_split` function
02-06 (00:42)  New `array_find`, `array_find_key`, `array_any`, and `array_all` functions
15-05 (09:11)  How to fix `mysql_native_password` not loaded errors on MySQL 8.4
24-03 (08:56)  OpenSSL: Minimum required OpenSSL version increased to 1.1.1
14-03 (12:56)  Implicitly nullable parameter declarations deprecated
14-03 (10:42)  How to fix PHP Curl HTTPS Certificate Authority issues on Windows
07-03 (08:56)  New `mb_ucfirst` and `mb_lcfirst` functions
07-03 (08:56)  Date: New `DateTime(Immutable)::get/setMicrosecond` methods
02-03 (17:56)  New `http_(get|clear)_last_response_headers` functions
28-02 (20:11)  Curl: `curl_version()` `feature_list` support
28-02 (19:56)  PCRE2 Upgrade and Regular Expression Changes
27-02 (16:56)  Curl: Minimum required libcurl version increased to 7.61.0
26-02 (14:42)  New `request_parse_body` function
09-02 (11:11)  OCI8 and PDO-OCI extensions from PHP Core to PECL
06-02 (10:42)  Date: New `DateTime(Immutable)::createFromTimestamp` methods
28-01 (13:56)  `round()` - Invalid rounding modes throw `ValueError` exceptions
18-01 (19:11)  New rounding modes in `round()` function
17-01 (22:56)  Pspell extension moved from PHP Core to PECL
17-01 (22:56)  IMAP extension moved from PHP Core to PECL
16-01 (16:11)  Opcache: INI changes on how JIT is enabled
16-01 (16:11)  New `mb_str_pad` function
10-01 (20:11)  Curl: `CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER` deprecated
10-01 (13:11)  Mbstring: New `mb_trim`, `mb_ltrim`, and `mb_rtrim` functions
08-01 (12:56)  `PHP_ZTS` and `PHP_DEBUG` constant value type changed from `int` to `bool`
14-12 (07:42)  AEGIS Encryption with PHP Sodium Extension
14-12 (07:42)  Sodium: `AEGIS-128L` and `AEGIS256` support
06-12 (19:11)  New `#[Override]` attribute
06-12 (06:56)  SQLite3: New `SQLite3Exception`, deprecations, and changes
05-12 (16:25)  Assert: `assert_options()`, `ASSERT_*` constants, and `assert.*` INI settings deprecated
23-11 (18:56)  PHP 8.3 Released!
22-11 (18:56)  How to Install/Upgrade PHP 8.3 on MacOS with Homebrew
22-11 (18:56)  How to install or upgrade to PHP 8.3 on Fedora, RHEL, CentOS, and more
21-11 (22:25)  How to install or upgrade to PHP 8.3 on Ubuntu and Debian
01-11 (06:42)  How to use Caddy Server with PHP
30-10 (11:42)  HTTP/3 Request with PHP Curl Extension
17-10 (09:56)  Password Hashing: Default Bcrypt cost changed from `10` to `12`
22-09 (18:56)  phpinfo: Show PHP Integer Size information
31-08 (16:56)  First PHP 8.3 Release Candidate is now available for testing
31-08 (15:25)  Get Composer to suggest dev packages to `require-dev`
22-08 (10:25)  Built-in CLI Server `$_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']` value changed for RFC3875 compliance
21-08 (19:56)  Class constant type declarations in some PHP extension classes
15-08 (05:25)  New `stream_context_set_options` function
14-08 (21:25)  Granular `DateTime` Exceptions
13-08 (08:56)  `highlight_file` and `highlight_string` output HTML changes
13-08 (08:56)  `get_class()` and `get_parent_class()` function calls without arguments deprecated
03-08 (09:42)  Security considerations when parsing user-provided INI strings and files
30-07 (03:42)  `class_alias()` supports aliasing built-in PHP classes
28-07 (14:11)  PHP CLI Lint (`php -l`) supports linting multiple files at once
27-07 (11:11)  Fallback value support for PHP INI Environment Variable syntax
23-07 (18:42)  PHP 8.3 Beta Released
07-07 (18:56)  First PHP 8.3 Alpha Released
18-04 (13:56)  PHP 8.3 Release Managers Elected
18-04 (13:56)  Typed Class Constants
01-02 (11:56)  How to extend lifetime of legacy PHP applications
01-02 (01:56)  `Random` extension: New `RandomRandomizer::getBytesFromString` method
01-02 (01:56)  `Random` extension: New `RandomRandomizer::getFloat()` and `nextFloat()` methods
31-01 (17:56)  Dynamic class constant and Enum member fetch support
31-01 (17:56)  Added `imap_is_open` function
31-01 (17:56)  `gc_status()` returns additional GC information
08-12 (15:25)  PHP 8.2 Released
08-12 (15:25)  PHP 8.2 Highlights: What's New and Changed
08-12 (15:25)  DNF Types
08-12 (15:25)  Locale-independent case conversion
29-11 (12:56)  All PHP 7.x versions are now EOL
11-11 (15:42)  PHP 8.2.0 Release Rescheduled to December 8
31-10 (18:11)  How to install/upgrade PHP 8.2 on Debian and Ubuntu systems
31-10 (18:11)  INI Parsing warnings
31-10 (13:11)  Added `json_validate` function
29-10 (01:11)  `unserialize()`: Upgrade `E_NOTICE` errors to `E_WARNING`
30-09 (19:56)  All the Easter Eggs in PHP
30-09 (06:11)  Laragon: Simple, Flexible, and Modern Development Server Environment for Windows
30-09 (06:11)  New `error_log_mode` INI setting to set permissions for error log file
30-09 (06:11)  OpenSSL: New `openssl_cipher_key_length` function
29-09 (22:42)  PHP 8.1.11, 8.0.24, and 7.4.32 released with security and bug fixes
31-08 (20:25)  `ksort(..., SORT_REGULAR)` sort order changes
31-08 (02:56)  Testing Randomness of PHP Random Number Functions

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 CNN News:
- Ascot boasts record prize money for 2018
- Johannesburg
- 10 best cities for a winter vacation
- Philippines volcano begins spewing lava
- Male style tribes: As lines blur, do they still exist?
- Fallout: 5 countries have now summoned US diplomats
- Conflicting accounts: Senators differ on Trump remark
- Tiffany Haddish's viral story nabs her a Groupon gig
- Pretoria says it will formally protest US President's 'shithole' remarks
- Couple wed week after FB meeting

- Robot Iris turns out to be a straw man in horror-comedy Companion
- Hair conditioner made from wood is black and smelly, but eco-friendly
- Hair conditioner made from wood is black and smelly, but eco-friendly
- How one farm is testing multiple carbon-capture tricks all at once
- How one farm is testing multiple carbon-capture tricks all at once
- US stops sharing flu data with WHO amidst one of its worst flu seasons
- The bold plan to bring back Tasmanian devils across mainland Australia
- Time can move both forwards and backwards at the quantum scale
- Mini-brains have been fused to resemble that of a 40-day-old fetus
- Asteroid 2024 YR4 will now almost certainly miss Earth in 2032

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