06-01 (23:41) New Species of Durophagous Mosasaur Unearthed in Morocco
06-01 (21:10) Unexpected Mechanism Explains Formation of Pluto-Charon System
06-01 (20:41) Recently-Discovered Fast Radio Burst Emerged from Neutron Star's Magnetosphere, Astronomers Say
06-01 (18:41) Punctured Shells Illuminate Unique Predator-Prey Interactions in Cambrian Oceans
06-01 (17:10) Hubble Space Telescope Observes Various Galaxies in Hydra
03-01 (21:55) Paleontologists Unearth What May Be Largest Known Mesosaurs
02-01 (23:55) 166-Million-Year-Old Footprints of Carnivorous and Herbivorous Dinosaurs Discovered in UK
02-01 (21:55) New Study Highlights Role of Gene Expression in Human Brain Evolution
02-01 (21:10) Hainan Island's Tea Plants Are Unique Variety of Camellia sinensis: Study
01-01 (18:10) DECam Zooms in on Antlia Galaxy Cluster
01-01 (17:10) Researchers Create New Nanosensors of Force
30-12 (23:55) Paleontologists Discover New Species of Sauropodomorph Dinosaur in China
30-12 (22:41) New Study Advances Understanding of Habitability of Ocean Worlds within Solar System and Beyond
30-12 (21:41) Astronomers Explore 3D Structure of Milky Way Galaxy
30-12 (20:41) Parker Solar Probe Survives Closest-Ever Approach to Sun
30-12 (18:10) Hubble Views Supernova-Hosting Spiral Galaxy
27-12 (22:41) New Specimen of Rare Jurassic Dinosaur Unearthed in Colorado
27-12 (00:24) New Research Sheds More Light on Genetic Makeup of Tea
26-12 (22:10) 'Blob-Headed' Catfish among New Species Discovered in Peru
26-12 (21:10) Well-Preserved Mastodon Fossils Unearthed in New York
26-12 (19:41) Scientists Magnetize Antiferromagnetic Material with Terahertz Laser Light
26-12 (14:24) Researchers Demonstrate Quantum Teleportation over Fiberoptic Cables Carrying Internet Traffic
24-12 (22:55) NOIRLab Releases High-Resolution Images of 88 Constellations and Colossal Photo of Night Sky
24-12 (21:55) Nanostructured Filaments Produce Bright Light Waves that Twirl as They Travel
24-12 (19:41) Leopards Can Be Identified by Their Vocalizations, New Study Shows
23-12 (23:24) New Species of Herbivorous Dinosaur Discovered in China
23-12 (22:24) Study: Pre-Roman Copper Industry in Timna Valley Had No Polluting Impact on Environment
23-12 (16:55) Dark Energy is Misidentification of Variations in Kinetic Energy of Universe's Expansion, Scientists Say
23-12 (16:10) Coffee Consumption May Help Improve Cognitive Performance in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation
23-12 (14:24) Hubble Captures Stunning Image of NGC 337
20-12 (23:41) New Pterosaur Species Unearthed in Argentina is Earliest of Its Kind
20-12 (20:55) Almost All Leading Large Language Models Show Signs of Mild Cognitive Impairment: Study
20-12 (00:24) UV-Stimulated Fluorescence Reveals Nearly 50 Hidden Pterodactylus Specimens
19-12 (23:10) Some People Can't Imagine Sounds: Anauralia
19-12 (20:24) Physicists Find Evidence for Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry in Decays of Baryons and Beauty Hadrons
18-12 (23:55) Carbon Dioxide Ice Turns Martian Polar Region White
18-12 (22:41) Hotter White Dwarfs are Slightly Puffier than Cooler Ones, New Study Says
18-12 (21:55) New Study Examines Elusive Nature of Martian Liquid Brines
18-12 (20:55) 55-Million-Year-Old Fossil Earwig Found in Denmark
18-12 (18:55) CMS Experiment Searches for Higgs Boson Pair Production in Proton-Proton Collisions
18-12 (00:41) Binary Star System Detected Close to Milky Way's Central Black Hole
17-12 (21:41) Researchers Unveil New Primate Family Tree
17-12 (20:55) Scientists Identify Genetic Variants that Determine Tooth Shape
17-12 (16:41) Therapsids Originated in Tropical Rather than Temperate Regions, New Fossil Find Suggests
17-12 (15:55) Saturn's Rings May Be as Old as the Gas Giant Itself: Study
17-12 (00:10) Triassic Lizard-Like Parareptile Had Unusual Dental Apparatus
16-12 (22:55) Protoplanetary Disks around Sun-Like Stars Appear to Live Longer in Early Universe
16-12 (20:41) New Research Reveals How Deinococcus Bacteria Withstand Extreme Radiation
16-12 (18:24) CERN Physicists Find First Ever Evidence of Antihyperhelium-4
16-12 (13:41) Hubble Focuses on Beautiful Barred Spiral Galaxy: NGC 2566
14-12 (00:41) Study: Neanderthal Gene Flow into Modern Humans Occurred between 50,500 and 43,500 Years Ago
13-12 (22:10) Jupiter's Moon Io Does Not Have Subsurface Magma Ocean, Study Suggests
13-12 (00:24) Earliest Modern Human Genomes Decoded
12-12 (21:55) New Class of Magnetism Imaged for First Time: Altermagnetism
12-12 (19:10) Webb Discovers Actively Forming Low-Mass Galaxy in Early Universe
12-12 (00:41) New Research Provides Insights into Life in Neolithic Trypillia Settlement
11-12 (22:10) Webb Validates Hubble's Distance Measurements
11-12 (19:24) New Study Sheds More Light on Evolution of Lepidosaurs
11-12 (18:24) 400-Million-Year-Old Fossils of Enigmatic Jawed Vertebrate Unearthed in Australia
11-12 (14:24) Astronomers Spot Magnetic Filaments in Accretion Disk around Messier 77's Central Black Hole
11-12 (00:10) Traces of 10,000-Year-Old Rice Beer Found in China
10-12 (23:10) New Research Doubles Number of Known Dark Comets
10-12 (21:24) Predatory Crustacean Species Discovered in Atacama Trench
10-12 (20:10) Drinking Sweetened Beverages Significantly Increases Cardiovascular Disease Risk, Study Suggests
10-12 (18:55) Hubble's OPAL Program Celebrates Decade of Tracking Solar System's Giant Planets
10-12 (00:41) 98-Million-Year-Old Ichthyosaur Fossil Uncovered in New Zealand
09-12 (23:55) Webb Detects 138 Decameter Asteroids in Main Belt
09-12 (22:41) Dark Energy Camera Captures Stunning New Image of Messier 83
09-12 (18:55) Venus Has Never Been Habitable, New Study Suggests
09-12 (17:24) Hubble Space Telescope Revisits NGC 5643
06-12 (22:24) Increased Consumption of Dark, But Not Milk, Chocolate Reduces Type 2 Diabetes Risk: Study
06-12 (20:55) New Species of Archaic Human Proposed: Homo juluensis
06-12 (01:10) Study: People with Higher Emotional Intelligence Use Emojis More Frequently
05-12 (23:41) Fossilized Teeth Highlight Theropod Dinosaur Diversity in Prehistoric East Sussex
05-12 (22:10) Researchers Demonstrate New Technique for Self-Assembling Electronics
05-12 (01:10) Clovis People's Diet Mainly Included Mammoths and Other Large Mammals, New Study Says
04-12 (23:55) Study: Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko's Water Has Similar Molecular Signature to Earth's Water
04-12 (22:10) Newly-Discovered Gene Enhances Photosynthetic Efficiency and Plant Productivity
04-12 (21:41) Astronomers Observe Starspots on Surface of Giant Star
04-12 (19:55) Researchers Create Smallest Walking Robot Yet
04-12 (00:24) 65,000-Year-Old Neanderthal Hearth Structure Discovered in Gibraltar
04-12 (00:10) Astronomers Discover Fourth Exoplanet in Kepler-51 System
03-12 (22:10) Astronomers Create Most Detailed Map of Gravitational Wave Background to Date
03-12 (20:55) Rare Whitefly and Psyllid Insect Fossils Found in New Zealand
03-12 (18:24) Physicists Map Out Quantum Entanglement in Protons
02-12 (23:24) New Species of Fossil Armadillo Discovered in Brazil
02-12 (21:41) Neanderthals Were First Collectors of Fossils, New Research Suggests
02-12 (20:24) Astrophysicists to Search for Primordial Black Holes in Planets, Asteroids, and Materials on Earth
02-12 (17:24) Expanded Opportunities Attracted People to Trypillia Culture's Mega-Settlements
02-12 (15:55) Hubble Space Telescope Captures Lopsided Spiral Galaxy
30-11 (00:41) Increases in Brain Size Occurred within Human Lineages Comprising Single Species, New Study Reveals
29-11 (21:55) Study: Central Europe's First Farmers Lived in Equality 8,000 Years Ago
29-11 (01:10) Astronomers Discover Ultrahot Neptune around TOI-3261
28-11 (22:41) Drinking Plenty of Water Can Provide Number of Health Benefits, New Review Says
28-11 (20:10) At Least Two Hominin Species Coexisted in Kenya 1.5 Million Years Ago
28-11 (01:24) Astronomers Observe Transient Ultraviolet-Dark Polar Ovals on Jupiter
28-11 (00:41) Early North Americans Made Needles from Bones of Canids, Felids and Hares, Archaeologists Say
27-11 (22:41) Fossilized Digestive Contents Shed Light on Rise of Dinosaurs
27-11 (20:10) NASA's Europa Clipper Spacecraft Deploying Its Instruments
27-11 (19:24) Meteorite Provides Evidence for Hydrothermal Activity on Ancient Mars
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